
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Pastor Eduardo preaches today:

Speaking of weaknesses of the soul, we may ask, Does the soul can be strong or weak? To find the first word begin conceptualizing weak WEAK: At first glance we can defin...e weak and strong contrast. But it means much more. It comes from Latin debilis. This word is a compound word, is formed by the word habilis, preceded by the prefix "de", which expresses separation, alienation, lack or cessation. The proper meaning would be, lack of skill or ability, the term soul, is related to breathing with the breath, understood as a manifestation of life. The soul is the giver and bearer of life is the consciousness of man and express the whole personality of man. The soul is more sensitive than the body as it is in a much greater degree. It is in the soul where are deposited our feelings and emotions, our passions and desires, our knowledge and voluntad.La Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. "This tells us that man consists of three parts, ie it is" tripartite ": Body, Soul and Spirit. Knowing now the concept of weakness and the soul

I. WEAKNESSES WHAT ARE THE SOUL?. Begin to study what the Bible says about it. In Isaiah 53:4, says: "Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows." The word "He carried our diseases" means that Christ bore the cross in our brokenness, our bodily ailments, like a heavy load on his shoulders. When Isaiah speaks of "our pain" also speaks strictly of substitution, but this time, not so much a physical illness, but mental pain, disease or injury of the soul. The Psalmist David also talks about it in Psalm 103:3. "Who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases." Sin and sickness are ethically connected as cause and effect. Christ bore the cross of Calvary all our physical, mental and spiritual so that we would not have to suffer them and if we were to have them, trust that He can heal and liberate. When we talk about the weaknesses of the soul, they speak of "pain" described by Isaiah, of these "conditions" described by David, but we also talk about the "weaknesses" or weaknesses mentioned by Paul in Romans 8:26. "In the same way the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for what we ought to pray, do not know, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words can." The idea of this verse is the struggle to express the desires of our heart, emotions contained, accumulated sadness and unable to do so, then the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groans that words can express to you what is inside of our soul and help us.

II. CONCEPT OF BITTERNESS According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, bitterness means: f. Distress or annoyance. It can also mean: no taste, bitter taste, disgust, grief, melancholy. It is a deep and existential dissatisfaction with life as a result we understand our own deficiencies. It is an anguish of soul, a state of deep sorrow that leads to despair, disappointment. But while all this mixed with hostility and resentment. Once infected with bitterness, is impossible to contain. The poison of bitterness will be thrown out of us to others, either in words or actions. We must be quick to forgive, as God has forgiven us, so we must forgive. Knowing the meaning of bitterness, we can ask what are the causes of bitterness, why many times we fill our hearts with this deadly poison?
III. Causes of bitterness. The causes are diverse, here I review only two of the most frequent. 1. Envy bitterness. - Psalm 73:1-3,21. It says so For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. It grieved my soul, And my heart was pricked. "
2. Bitterness Poor relationship. - In fact many people that because of poor relationships with their fathers or brothers have let bitterness fill their lives

The most serious problem when we have bitterness in our hearts, is that necessarily suffer from a range of personal, but also these consequences do not suffer alone, but affect people around us, paying as the saying goes: " bathwater. " The first consequence is that we can detail:
1) Anger, rage, hatred: The bitter person is always angry, fights with everyone and worst of all is that most times, does not know why you are angry, do not know why all you get angry. Behind anger there is always an unresolved conflict.
2) The Critic: A person who is bitter always go first, the negative or ugly. All the while being criticized and prosecuting people at its discretion. You can never see the good side of things and instead of seeing everything pink, is all gray. A bitter person sees no value in itself, with complex, messy and so casts a wry insight to any and everything they see.
3) Broken relationships.: People tend not to be bitter and close friends if they get not last long. His thinking and acting, away from them all good, all that remains is the natural family
4) insensitivity.: The rupture of relations leads people to become numb. The hardness begins to invade the soul. The person becomes unconscious of that may be causing injury to others, through words, attitudes, and actions.
5) Isolation.: Bitterness often leads a person to be isolated. He prefers solitude to be accompanied.
6) Depression.: A person is not naturally sour overnight, but enters into a process. First offense and not receive a pardon, by not forgiving, the offense becomes Ira subsequently Anger turns into resentment and resentment leads to bitterness, bitterness does not eliminate, give way to depression and whether not eliminate the root cause, in some cases leading to suicide and death.
7) diseases.: In the study of psychology, with known disease called psychosomatic diseases, which are conditions in the soul as reflected in the body. On the spiritual side, you can understand that problems may exist in the soul, reflected in the body through illness. Disease is inevitable and usually numerous in people bitter. Some experts have said that the bitterness is a toxic emotion that is installed in the center of our being. It affects the stomach and acid pH balance of our bodies. Inadequate acid ph balance of the body, can cause a number of diseases such as gastrointestinal disorders, arthritis, gout, allergies, diabetes, and even some forms of obesity. Drugs, medicines can relieve symptoms for some time, but removed the source of bitterness and therefore will continue to suffer the agony of the disease. The Bible says in Proverbs 14:10 "The heart knoweth his own bitterness, And a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy."

V. SOLUTION. How to overcome the bitterness? 1) ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THERE IN YOUR HEART bitterness. For starters you have to recognize that part of your being is suffering as a result of bitterness. Start by being aware of your actions, your reactions to others, notice how you react to your loved ones, same with your friends or colleagues: Be honest with yourself, recognize that there is bitterness in your soul, because no do you take to solitude. It is the worst consequence of the bitter. Just look around you, who likes being with people bitter?
2) TAKE ACTION! Once you recognize the problems that have kept you prisoner, Acts, begins to forgive. Little by little, get rid of evil. Start taking small steps to become the person you want to be. Define who you are and to where you want to go. Your life will change.
3) FORGIVE THE INVOLVED IN YOUR bitterness. You have to forgive. It is a requirement of God. If you do not forgive, you will not be forgiven. There is no other alternative. Forgiveness is a choice and decision. Emotions do not want to forgive. The mind will want revenge, sometimes through force or violence. Forgiveness is not to say that what we did was right. We forgive because God forgives, and commanded us to do the same. Decides to forgive and be free!
4. Forgive yourself Many people can forgive others but can not forgive themselves. If you do not forgive yourself, then you are not saying that God has forgiven you. LET YOUR SPIRIT HOLY WOUNDS SANE.
VI. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE Bitterness?. Hebrews 12:14, 15. "Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord. Look well, lest any man fail of the grace of God, that no root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled "The first thing we find in this passage is that WE HAVE TO LOOK GOOD IN OUR HEARTS TO FIND THE BITTERNESS 1. We need to do a thorough search. "See to it ...". Sometimes we get in trouble for not looking good. Not easy to find the root of bitterness. 2. We need to get the bitterness completely. There is no other way to remove the bitterness, that to forgive the person who hurt you.

CONCLUSION. I suggest you make a prayer with me: Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe He is your Son. I believe He rose from the grave and now sits at Your right hand interceding for me. I repent for not saving forgive, bitterness in my heart and be disturbing to others and to myself. As you so willingly forgive me, I choose to forgive. I ask You, Lord, that bring to mind all I have to forgive.
(Pause here for a few moments to hear the voice of God or what you hear in your mind). In the name of Jesus Christ, forgive me: (now speaking aloud the name of each person that comes to mind). I declare my forgiveness to every person I have mentioned, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce all spirits of bitterness, anger, hatred, violence, retaliation and murder. In the name of Jesus, I receive healing in my physical body. I cry all the spirits of disease and weakness and what to leave me! Leave now! In the name of Jesus. Now, Holy Spirit, I ask you to pour your healing balm to my wounded soul. Oh, Lord, I receive healing in my heart broken by disappointment, and abuse. Thank you, because right now, you change my sorrow into joy. Thank you, Lord that I can now declare free of bitterness! In Jesus' name .... Amen!►
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