Pastor Eduardo sermon: Renew your alliance.
Alliance with the people, being "The People of the Alliance" is the essential definition of Israel. His relationship with God, who has chosen him as "The People of his property" is the reason for his existence through the centuries to the present day. “The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. 3 The Lord did not make this covenant with our parents, but with us, with all those of us [a] who are alive here today. ”Deuteronomy 5: 2-3
But despite God's faithfulness and the fulfillment of his covenant promises, Israel has gone from faithfulness to infidelity; from forgetting God and sin in return to the Lord; from continuous renewal of alliance to rupture of the same. But God's plan to save man cannot fail, there will remain a small "rest" and with them God will seal a new Covenant.
The clauses of the covenant of God with his people, consisted not only of having no other god, nor only in the Ten commandments; Exodus 20,2-17, but in all the legislation found in the five books of the Law, which is the relationship of fraternity, love, justice, law, mercy, compassion and help for all the "brothers of Israel." That is why the claims and denunciations of the prophets of all times against all the social classes of the people condemning oppression, injustice against the poor, the weak, the widows, the orphans, the outsiders. Jeremiah 32,32-33. Theft, bribery, murder, violence and dispossession. "Thus you have broken my alliance with all your abominations." Ezekiel 44.7.
The Alliance supposes the Election; (God chooses a people to make an alliance with him) and the election is the fruit of God's free love, hence a "Consecrated People". The Love of God is the beginning, the source and source of the covenant with the people of Israel. God Loves, chooses and consecrates in Covenant and He never fails because He is eternally faithful.
Jesus establishes the new and definitive covenant sealed with his sacrifice, giving himself for men. She is celebrated in the communion, memorial of the new and eternal union of God with humanity. (Mark 14,14; 1 Corinthians 11,25; Lc 22,20).
On February 23 we will renew our alliance with God.