
Sunday, June 26, 2016

And it will preach!

And it will preach!
Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom worldwide, a testimony to all nations; And then the end will come.
INTRODUCTION: This present text, framed in the extraordinary speech that Christ left us on the end of the world, and his second coming, makes us see that there is a task unfinished framed within a great urgency, we refer to evangelization. Had he thought about how many people every day are killing themselves spiritually and yet there is silence and a total conformism? Physical death will never be more important than spiritual death, because the first is still a law, while the second has to do with a decision. Dear brothers, the only thing that can save the eternal suicide so many people is to fulfill this prophecy.
1. The Mount of Olives was apparently a favorite place for spiritual retreats of the Lord, where very important matters taught his disciples. One day they came to him, perhaps motivated by something I heard him say about his early return, with the following question: "Tell us, when will these things be, and that will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world ? "(Matthew 24: 3).
2. The phrase "shall be preached" indicates. What it has to do with the exact fulfillment of this prophecy, like all others before Christ came be fulfilled.
3. The word "preached" speaks of the action that accompanies all those who do the task. The gospel will not be heard until it is preached. Obviously this involves the type of message and the will to make it known.
4. On the other hand, "will be preached" shows us the divine vision. The Lord knew how many religions compete with his word, however he gave a fact the triumph of his gospel
24: 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
24:13 But he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom worldwide, a testimony to all nations; And then the end will come.
Summary of what Jesus said to these end times, meditate, please This is the power of Jesus, one by one of these phrases, this is the essence of His message, they are written in all the Bibles in the world for our current time until now many can not understand., and this is what should be heard in your churches,
They are written two thousand years ago, and seem surprising today, and have not spread as Jesus would like. Now is the time to spread them, your turn to collaborate and pass them on to your family and friends. Why ?, the answer in Matthew 25:13 Watch ye therefore, because you do not know the day or the hour when the Son of Man is coming.
And His arrival is near, and nobody believes it.