
Sunday, January 10, 2016

"Holding on to your Dreams."

"Holding on to your Dreams." Hebrews 10. I want t to talk to you today on "Holding on to your Dreams." Holding on to those God-given dreams and desires and thoughts and goals that are deep within your heartHow many of you have some things that you want to accomplish for God? Sure, all of us do. And what I want to challenge you with is that many times over time and through the circumstances in life and the things that come against us, the obstacles we face, many times these dreams get pushed aside. They get pushed down and sometimes we think they can never come to pass.

But how I want to challenge you today and for 2016 to never let go of your dreams. Never give up. Be determined. God can see your dreams and those desires come to pass. And I want to read today from Hebrews 10:23. It says, "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, for he is faithful that promised." Hold fast, folks, I believe is the key. Hold fast on to your dreams. Hold on to the promises of God. Hold on to what God has told you. Know that it can come to pass.

You see, you’ve got to realize that God never promised us that this life would be a sea of roses. He never said we’d go to heaven on flowery beds of ease, as much as that may disappoint you. But He did say this, Jesus said this, He said in this life you’re going to have hardships, you’re going to have tribulation. You’re even going to have distress. But He said be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. You see, God has made a way for all of us to overcome. He’s made a way for us to be victorious. But it’s up to us; it’s not up to Him. He’s already made the way. It’s up to us to hold fast to the things that God has told us. Hold fast. Be determined.

And some of us today, we need to reach up and take a new firm grip of the things God has told us, get a better grip and pull it down deep within our heart, deep within our heart. Amen You see really, you’ve got to show the enemy you’re more determined than he is. You know what I believe, folks, is God has ignited a fire in every one of us. You know what fire is. Fire is a consuming force. Once it’s ignited, it will intensify and grow if it has the right properties around it, like fuel and oxygen. And I believe that when we become born again, God puts dreams and desires into our heart. And they’re like a little fire. They’re like a little, maybe like a pilot light but will become stronger.

Because that desire that God’s put in your heart is  tied to His perfect will. It’s when you start reaching out to your dreams, that’s what God really wants you to do. And I encourage you, write your dream out. You know we talked about writing the vision. "Without a vision, people perish." Write what you’re believing God for out. Put it on a sheet of paper and tuck it in your Bible. And as you read your Bible during the day or as you come to church and there’s scriptures that relate to your dream, just write down the vision. And before long you’ll have you a whole pile of scriptures and the devil will never be able to put that flame out of your life, never be able to put it out of your life. (

Listen to Hebrews 3:6, "Hold fast and firm to the end the confidence we have in Christ." I Corinthians 15:58 says, "Be steadfast, unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord."