New things, understand time " will remember not the former things , nor consider the things of old memory ." Isaiah 43:18.
INTRODUCTION : Time is divided into three phases : 1.Past 2.Present 3.Future
God gives us the time for us to forget our past hard and difficult , and gives us the opportunity to start over. If there were time, you could not forget. Any injury he suffered would be an eternal wound if you were sick , would remain so for eternity , if a mistake or sin , it would be an error or sin eternal. Would remain in pain , in sickness , sin and guilt. God also made the present and the future in which you can start again.
Constantly repeat the same thing: "I wish this never happened” and all this is past, it is time we start again :
• Understand the purpose of time in our life.
• Know the three types of time that govern God's creation .
• Encourage you to realize what it takes for God to produce something new.
What is time? It is a disruption of eternity. God put man in time to live.
Who created time? God. " God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years " Genesis 1:14
Why God created time ? Bookmarking seasons. God is outside of time , but put the man in the context of the time to live out eternity.
" Daniel answered and said , Blessed be the name of God for ever, for theirs is the power and wisdom. He changes times and seasons; removes kings and sets up kings : he giveth wisdom unto the wise , and knowledge to the discerning " Daniel 2:20-21
There are three types of time in the Greek language , and are:
• " Kronos " set time to live. ( Man )
• " Kairos " : The specific time of God to accomplish something, God's opportunity. (of God)
• " Pleroma " : when God takes him out . (Blessing , victory )
• " Kronos " set time to live. ( Man )
• " Kairos " : The specific time of God to accomplish something, God's opportunity. (of God)
• " Pleroma " : when God takes him out . (Blessing , victory )
The time is good because it protects me to experience eternal condition . We can say : "It will come, but it will be ", " but I came over," " I'm in a problem, but will pass" , none of this will be eternal . When everyone shudders , we can rest assured that God says, " I have control of the time." "In the day of prosperity , and in the day of adversity consider : God has made the one as the other , so that man finds nothing after him. All this have I seen in the days of my vanity . Right there who perishes in his righteousness , and there is a wicked man who prolongs his life his wickedness . “Ecclesiast 7:14-15 .
Change your mindset. If you are having a hard time feel that this is only a preparation for the blessing that comes . What is the promise if you do this ? GOD WILL MAKE SOMETHING NEW ! As not expected something new and good God , then fails . Think for a moment about "something" that God has done or has not replied , If you look closely , one of the things that God enjoys over his word is the fact that not stop dreaming , that there we allow ourselves to fall into a rut or routine our relationship with Him , God wants to always be dynamic and creative , give us ideas and never fail to surprise by his infinite goodness .