
Sunday, July 10, 2016


Introduction: When we accept Christ we are set free from the bondage of sin and sinful life we ​​led so far. Being free from the chains of sin is the most beautiful that exists in this life, when Jesus forgives us our inner felt such a release that felt like our life has changed. This is when we have a genuine encounter with our Savior.
But how sad it is to find people who still do not know Jesus and are chained to a life of sin, and sadder still is to find a "Christian" people who are tied to the sin even though Jesus has set.
Is we want to focus on a theme: BREAKING CHAINS believe what God's Word says: "If the Son sets you free you are truly free". John 8:36

1. When does not allow Govern Jesus in his heart.
2. When there is unforgiveness in your life.
3. Where there are areas that are affecting your communion with God and not given to Him in your life.
4. When our authority said a word that hurt us and instead go to Jesus let the enemy deceive us with thoughts of resentment towards that authority.

1.La Bible says that "so if anyone is in Christ is a new creature: old things passed, behold all things have become new" 2 Corinthians 5:17 This means that a person who has been freed by Christ must show new life, it is through his testimony. So a person who has bad testimony of outsiders may be that this tied to a mediocre life that does not show a transformed life for God.

2. A person tied to sin is a person who blames all to others, pastors or family. He is a person who not finding an outlet for its bonds is the way to excuse himself in others: "For because of my guy"
3. A chained or tied person is a person who does not delight in the praise or the Word, but their heart is tied. This leads him to judge or criticize either they lead praise or who is preaching the Word.
4. Also we can provide many features of a person who is chained or tied, which can not be free to praise, worship and serve the Lord.

III. HOW TO BE FREE OF chains that bind MY LIFE?
1. You have to recognize that these Tied.
2. You have to decide to break those chains and forget them forever.
3. You have to give up any attempt to walk alone and let Jesus whoever takes you forward.
4. You have to completely surrender to Him and have communion that really pleases the Lord.
5. You have to have a continuous life of praise and worship the Lord and are not only seasons that we give to Him.
6. You have to believe that He has made you free. Galatians 5: 1 "It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore, stand firm, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. "

Conclusion: To be free from any chain that binds you, you give yourself completely to Jesus, remember that He has called you so that you are free not allow the enemy to you this removing Liberty Jesus gave you. Christ frees us through the truth about God "know the truth, and the truth will set us free" (John 8:32). That is His promise.