Once, after Jesus cast out the deaf and dumb demon and healed the boy, Jesus explained that in order to destroy the works of the devil, we have to tie him up first. "How can one enter the strong man's house and steal his property, unless he first bind him?" (Matthew 12:29). To neutralize the devil's work, we have to go and deal directly with the source and bind the devil so that their hands are useless. Only then, we may be able to recover the things that robbed us, and put a stop to their actions.
You may work or live around a bunch of weeds, but that did not stop beating him. Recognize that your environment is not what prevents happiness. Some people wanting to live it remove all herbs, and lose much of what is his life.
Do not worry about things you can not change, you can not change the flow of traffic in the morning, you can not make everyone at work, nor can it make members of his family to serve God, but should not allow that makes you unhappy. Anyway, flower, and look for things you can change. You can change your own attitude and choose to be happy right where you are and wrestle with God otherwise.
"What matters is: Are we giving good fruit Is our light shining examples Are we good?
All believers are at war, and our adversary is the devil (I Peter 5: 8) and spiritual forces of evil, which is trying to dominate the world. The scripture says that our fight is against "... principalities, against powers, against the powers of evil in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12).
Keep a good attitude and continue to flourish where you are. If the decision to be faithful and be happy, when God indicated the circumstances change, we will remove from among those herbs and placed in a better place, but if not flourish where it is not will progress. God has planted us in a specific place to give much fruit , to fight and is not to sink in the place where we are.
1. AUTHORITY. Every believer has the right to use the authority of Jesus and His precious name to bind and take authority over Satan's activities. . "And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues ..." (Mark 16:17).
2. Anointing with OIL: Oil is a symbol of the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God. To anoint our house, doors and windows, our tools and anoint each other, the devil can not pass. (I John 1: 7 and Exodus 12:13)
What matters is: Are we giving good fruit? You are shining our light? Are we good examples? Can you see the people the Lord's joy radiating from our lives? If you continue to flourish in the place where it is, in God's time, He transplanted and put you in a new land where they can give more fruit, but if you are not happy where he is now, never get where you want to be. You have to fight to break any chain