
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Brfore is too late

Pastor Eduardo preached:

1-The importance of prayer Psalm 55:17 In the evening, and in the morning, and at noon, I will pray; and I will cry out, and he will hear my voice.

We don't know what time, or what day Jesus will return, it may be 10, 20 years, 5 minutes from now, in short, only the Lord knows when it will be. But we all have our end approaching each day. (Talk about our carnal life and the people around us). We have to draw closer to God every day and lead our neighbors to give their lives to Jesus. Those who do not know God must know him and surrender to him before they die, so that they may live forever. BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.

Brothers and sisters, we must be in full communion with God in order to be qualified and able to fulfill what will be proposed to us this morning. Today we will learn that we have a time that has been given to everyone and that every day it decreases, just as those who also need to hear the word of God have that same time (the time I am referring to and our earthly life).

2-Certainly prayer is fundamental in the life of the Christian. Whatever time of day it is done, it is always very important. But the morning prayer is stronger. "At dawn, the line is smaller". The first is in the book of Proverb, where we read: Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me at dawn will find me.

This time that we can also call our life, is the time we have to stay in the Lord's ways and announce the word of God BEFORE IT IS LATE.

So, beloved ones, 3- Let us always stand firm in the Church, always study the word of God, in the Church, in the services, at home through the daily worship practice (collective and individual), pray, cry out, praise, glorify God as written in 1Corintios 10: 31Therefore, whether you eat, drink or do something else, do everything for the glory of God our life should always be to glorify God, always do this before you run out of time. Remember, our earthly life will end and we will have nothing else to do, so do it now, always do it, BEFORE IT IS LATE.

We will be in this 30 day daily prayer prospect, reading the Bible, and getting up at dawn to pray, BEFORE IT IS LATE.
If we are willing to get up early in the morning to pray, let it be simply for the pleasure of speaking with God. The objective must be to spill our desires and concerns before Him. We need to seek intimacy not out of sacrifice, but out of pure gratitude. We will be impressed with how good it is to revel in a life of prayer to God. 

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