
Sunday, August 2, 2020


Pastor Eduardo preached: UNTIL HERE GOD SUSTAINED YOU!
Psalm 119: 116 Support me according to your promise, and I will live; do not allow my hopes to be dashed! Bearing in mind that there is nothing greater than God, which His name expresses, we can easily understand that what God wants to tell us is that He magnified His Word above all else. If you are standing today, it is because the Lord raised you up. In fact, He lifts you up every time you miss or slide. for Him there is nothing more valuable than His Word.

1. The Word of God: food for life

Having seen the high position that God gives to His Word, let us continue to see other things that the Word of God is, starting from Matthew 4: 4 where Jesus Christ said: Matthew 4: 4 “It is written:" It is not by bread alone that the man ....."
Many people think that bread and physical food in general is the only thing needed to live. It is true that physical food is necessary to survive and satisfy our physical hunger, but according to Jesus Christ, there is something more that is needed to make our lives more than just survival. What is it? The answer comes in the same verse: Matthew 4: 4 "It is written:" Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. "

2- The Word of God: the only truth. 1 Peter 2: 2 "Desire, like newborn infants, unadulterated spiritual milk, that by it you may grow for salvation,"

Newborns cannot live without milk. They get up when they sleep and cry because they want milk. Similarly, as newborns cannot live without milk, so our lives without the Word of God. 

After we see that the Word of God is as necessary for our lives as milk is for newborns, we will continue to see what else is the Word. Pilate asked this question in response to Jesus, saying that he came into the world to witness the truth, and this can be found in John 18:38 "Pilate said to him: What is true?" Pilate's question is not unusual. Many people, and indeed many of us, may have asked at some point in our lives. Therefore, it is vital to find an answer to that question. The answer comes in John 17. There, Jesus Christ, just before his arrest, prayed to God and said: John 17:14, 17 “I gave [the disciples] his word ..... Sanctify them in their truth. ; His word is the truth. “ Give thanks for everything, God was and will continue to be present in your life, he will never leave you. In difficult times he carries you, in joyful days he celebrates with you!

3- The answer to the question about the truth is very simple: THE WORD OF GOD IS TRUE. The Bible, being the Word of the one true God, is the truth on which we can base our lives without fear of being disappointed. It is this Word that speaks of Jesus Christ, "the way, the truth and the life" (John 14: 6) and the wonderful things he has accomplished for us. When you think you're going to fall into a hole, into a ravine, God's love, care and grace save you. Believe it: He is God who lifts you when you fall, who protects you when you are unprotected and comforts you when you are broken! The truth is true. You can NOT change it, you cannot change it. It is unchanged. You can only accept or reject.

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