
Sunday, January 24, 2016

God controls your life

God controls your life "Psalm 46: 10-11¡Ríndanse! Know that I am God! I am above the nations! I'm over all the earth "(12) The Lord Almighty is with us! The God of Jacob is our refuge! Every day, you have to decide who will be in control of your life-you or God. "

That election is a battle. There are things in your life that you want to control. Create your own rules. But for stress relief always begins with allowing God to be God. Always, begins saying: "God, I surrender control because you can control things that are out of control in my life."

How much peace and tranquility that we feel when we realize that Jesus Christ is in control and taking care of us. Is a full joy feel that we are not vulnerable. The word of God is the one who comforts us in times of difficulty, it can sit back and relax fully by faith.
Many times we feel that we are alone and that God has forgotten us. These thoughts are those used by the adversary to distract us from God. Philippians 4: 6-7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

God is always in control of our situations. His word tells us that He will be with us. What assurance gives us the promise of God, which says, "I will be with you," "Never leave orphan (o)", "I am in control of your situation." I make the impossible possible reality "
When we seek God's help, fear has got to go in the name of Jesus. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1: 7).

Brothers and sisters who listen to me, I will tell you that God is real, His promises never late, nor his words are delayed. God is always on time.

The number one reason why you're under stress is because you are in conflict with God. You are trying to control things that only God can control. You can not control your husband or your children to your wife or your job or your future or your past or the like. Between you do more, you want to take the place of God, and that puts you in opposition to God. Not only do you lose that conflict, but also wear you. That's where the power is! There is power when you render to God all the things that you've been trying to wrest its control. Isaiah 42: 6 I am the Lord, have called you in righteousness; will hold thine hand and will watch you, and make you a covenant for the people, a light to the nations