
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Eduardo Alves Live Stream

Sunday, June 30, 2019


Pastor Eduardo preached today:

Faith becomes the foundation for your life to be built, becomes the basis of everything, and if the foundation is firm all the rest will be.
Overcoming the limits has always been the desire of humanity. It seems that there is within the hearts of men a force that always pushes them forward.
Throughout history, driven by their dreams of conquest, men have overcome many boundaries. The seas have not prevented them from clearing new lands. The brute force of gravity did not stop them in the conquest of the heavens. Prejudices did not kill their dreams of freedom. Brute force did not forever restrain the designs of truth.
Ultimately, whether in the social or individual realm, the overcoming of limits reveals the image of God reflected in men: the crown of his creation.
Who is the one who overcomes the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? "1 John 5: 5 What is it to live by faith? It is to live being sustained by the Presence, by the conviction in the Word of God, to DESPITE all contrary evidences. Despite the tide against criticism, opposition and doubts that may even arise in your own soul. Living by faith encourages us to look at the difficulty and pursue it anyway because we have something stronger that sustains us within, and this is the power of God in His living Word. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to discover this vocation to win. Many, because of successive failures, or even having a misguided view of themselves, do not discover the wonderful ability to overcome limits, inherent in all men.
Incredible as faith requires total surrender to God. Delivery without reserve of our trust and dependence on God, which is really difficult in our day.

Everything is possible when you have faith in God. My main purpose is to awaken your attention to this spiritual truth. For this I mention some biblical characters who have overcome their boundaries, passed the troubled seas of life. And, when everything pointed to defeat and hopes were erased, something shouted louder in their hearts, a lived faith that motivated them to overcome adversity and believe in the victory of God. When their strength was exhausted, these heroes of faith cried out to the Lord, their eyes turned to the Creator, so that faith and hope was reborn from the ashes.
"Because for God there is nothing impossible" (Luke 1:37).It may be that your life is 'on the air', it has been out of control for some time, a nightmare, and nothing seems to work. Where to run? Where to find an answer? Maybe you're going through a gale, external or internal. He looks from side to side and sees no way out. A deep pain invades the soul, and a sense of bitter defeat his mouth.

Take care with all the attention of your faith. Preserve, nourish it with the Word of God and communion, the relationship with God so that it can withstand all kinds of trials. Read Job 14: 7-9 For there is hope for a tree when it is cut down, that it will return to sprout, and its shoots will not lack [a]. 8 Though their roots grow old in the earth, and his trunk shall die in the dust, 9 the smell of water shall be green and as a young plant he shall sow shoots.