
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Eye hath not seen

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Corinthians 2: 9
As we read these verses, we see through it, miracles, wonders and glories that God has prepared for his people, but the first question to arise is: Is God speaking to this present time or is God speaking to time the eternity. Because if we analyze it carefully otherwise we could preach and not what the verse really meant.
Faith is knowing, even at 1:30 pm, the stars are still in space. The fact not see them does not negate its existence.
Throughout your life you will find a difference between what the Lord tells you, and what the circumstances say. Faith is a decision of who to believe, not only what to believe. We pray with faith, taking the simple yet profound choice to believe that God is there, that He receives us and listening to us. When we told him about the money we need for expenses, for the teeth of children, about the work that we lost or broken friendship we want to be restored, he would answer not saying that these situations are not real. They are real and they knew that even before the were.
Faith is not about a couple of roses lenses; It is not a fantasy, or a religious term for naivety. Jesus promised that "will not leave us" with our own resources or strategies.
Prayer is one of the ways in which He assures us that leaves us alone to deal with the real, and sometimes distressing realities of a broken world. He says, "Have faith in God" (Mark 11:22). It does not say, "Trust in Me; these problems do not exist. " Rather, he says: "Trust in Me; I can handle them in ways that you you can not imagine. "
1. No eye has seen: that we will not see, today all social networks and media, we were able to see things that our ancestors did not see, but very wonderful things seem, God is not refers to that, God refers to a wonderful spiritual world, as the wonderful spiritual world that great men of prayer and consecration saw through aT
2. Moses saw the burning bush and in the fire and was not consumed. Saw, the plagues that descended on Egypt, saw the Red Sea Opening.
3. ELIAH:  saw the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and afternoon, (God said, I have commanded the ravens to take you bread and meat), Vio opened the Jordan River, saw the chariots of fire that came to get him to take him to heaven.
4. DAVID: He saw how God before him defeated the giant Goliath, and after that I saw, as Israel conquered the land God had promised and that judges could never conquer.
By having faith in God and His wonderful promises to take charge of our lives and use us in a ministry, we can be sure, in advance, that He is faithful to His word. What promises is as good as what has already been delivered.
... Today I see what my natural eyes can not see.

Lord, Thank you for opening my eyes to contemplate what naturally can not see. Today that surprised me once again. Amen.