
Saturday, September 5, 2020

Lobo ou ovelha

 Pastor Eduardo pregou: Lobo ou ovelha? Ninguém pode viver pensando em enganar o tempo todo os outros ou tirando proveito das pessoas, como se isso fosse uma coisa banal.

Toda escolha tem um retorno. Sempre se colherá aquilo que foi plantado. Nada fica impune aos olhos de Deus, quando os prejudicados são “as meninas dos olhos do próprio Deus”.
 A diferença entre uma ovelha e um lobo dentro da igreja de Deus não é o lado externo: no lado externo ambos podem se parecer com uma ovelha. Em vez disso, a diferença está no fruto que eles dão. Conforme disse o Senhor:

 Mateus 7:15 Cuidado com os falsos profetas! Eles chegam disfarçados de ovelhas, mas por dentro são lobos selvagens. 16 Vocês os conhecerão pelo que eles fazem. Os espinheiros não dão uvas, e os pés de urtiga não dão figos. 17 Assim, toda árvore boa dá frutas boas, e a árvore que não presta dá frutas ruins.

Geralmente o lobo é muito inteligente e observador. Usa táticas que muitas vezes passam por muito espirituais, mas que se assemelham às utilizadas por seitas heréticas, que descreveremos mais tarde. Deus é muito claro quando diz que da árvore boa não nasce espinhos ou frutos maus. Quem está na videira, tem que dar fruto da mesma origem da videira e não abacaxi.

 Como saber se sou lobo ou ovelha?
1- Frutos: Não são as palavras, as maravilhas ou as profecias que marcam o genuíno em relação ao não genuíno, o lobo do cordeiro, mas o fruto que se dá. E aqui nós falamos sobre o fruto. No entanto, estas coisas fazem-no um cordeiro verdadeiro ou lhe dão entrada no reino de Deus, se seu fruto for o fruto da passagem acima? Bem, conforme disse o Senhor 

Mateus 15:33 Vocês só poderão ter frutas boas se tiverem uma árvore boa. Mas, se tiverem uma árvore que não presta, vocês terão frutas que não prestam. Porque é pela qualidade das frutas que sabemos se uma árvore é boa ou não presta. 34 Ninhada de cobras venenosas! Como é que vocês podem dizer coisas boas se são maus? Pois a boca fala do que o coração está cheio. 35 A pessoa boa tira o bem do seu depósito de coisas boas, e a pessoa má tira o mal do seu depósito de coisas más.
2- Fonte: Tiago 3:11,12 Acaso pode sair água doce e água amarga da mesma fonte?
Meus irmãos, pode uma figueira produzir azeitonas ou uma videira, figos? Da mesma forma, uma fonte de água salgada não pode produzir água doce.

“Com o coração se crê”. Uma confissão é verdadeira quando o coração concorda com ela. E quando há fé no coração então haverá também o fruto respectivo. “Toda árvore boa produz bons frutos e toda árvore má produz maus frutos. Não pode a árvore boa dar maus frutos; nem a árvore má dar frutos bons.” É impossível ter fé e não ter o fruto respectivo. Externamente, tanto o lobo quanto o cordeiro parecem o mesmo: Ambos se parecem com o cordeiro. No entanto, é o fruto que faz a diferença. 

Sunday, August 30, 2020


 Pastor Eduardo preached:


 There are people who knew Jesus up close, even in an intimate way, and never got to prove his transforming power. A clear example of this is Judas Iscariot, who, after spending years walking with Christ, still betrayed him. John declared in his gospel that Judas was a thief and stole what was thrown in the bag (John 12: 6); and this information demonstrates that he was never actually transformed.

Someone can come to know a great deal about Christ without ever having known Christ! Evangelical churches are full of religious people, who have been well taught how to be a “good Christian”, but who do not manifest any transformation in their lives! They are always the same, and there is no evidence of genuine change. This is due to the lack of revelation that accompanies a true experience with Christ.

When Paul wrote to Timothy, his son in the faith, he spoke about some people who were living an “untransformed” life:
 "They are always learning, and they never manage to reach the full knowledge of the truth." (2 Timothy 3.7)

 Another example of knowledge without transformation (according to the flesh) can be seen in the brothers of Jesus. Many of us have difficulty seeing this because of the Catholic heritage we have received that Mary was always a virgin, but this is not the biblical teaching. God's Word declares that Joseph and Mary were not physically involved until Jesus was born. See what the Holy Scripture says:
 “And Joseph, awakening from his dream, did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him, and received his wife, and did not know her until he gave birth to his son, the firstborn; and gave him the name of Jesus ”. (Matthew 1:24,25)

Another biblical text mentions the names of the brothers of Jesus: “Isn't this the carpenter, son of Mary and brother of James, and of Joseph, of Judas, and of Simon? And are not your sisters here with us? And they were scandalized in him ”. (Mark 6.3)

Death is an intruder in human experience and is therefore not accepted. Man's greatest desire is to live. To have life he is able to do anything, pay any price, make any sacrifice. "What will I do to inherit eternal life?" Is the desperate cry of the human heart.

"And this is eternal life: that they may know you, only one true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent" (St. John 17: 3).

You see? The secret of eternal life is not only to know a body of doctrines or to accept a particular Church. The secret is the knowledge of a person: the wonderful person that is Jesus Christ. True Christianity is a relationship of two people: the human being and Christ. What matters most in our spiritual experience is not what we believe but who we believe in.


 Pastor Eduardo preached:


 There are people who knew Jesus up close, even in an intimate way, and never got to prove his transforming power. A clear example of this is Judas Iscariot, who, after spending years walking with Christ, still betrayed him. John declared in his gospel that Judas was a thief and stole what was thrown in the bag (John 12: 6); and this information demonstrates that he was never actually transformed.

Someone can come to know a great deal about Christ without ever having known Christ! Evangelical churches are full of religious people, who have been well taught how to be a “good Christian”, but who do not manifest any transformation in their lives! They are always the same, and there is no evidence of genuine change. This is due to the lack of revelation that accompanies a true experience with Christ.

When Paul wrote to Timothy, his son in the faith, he spoke about some people who were living an “untransformed” life:
 "They are always learning, and they never manage to reach the full knowledge of the truth." (2 Timothy 3.7)

 Another example of knowledge without transformation (according to the flesh) can be seen in the brothers of Jesus. Many of us have difficulty seeing this because of the Catholic heritage we have received that Mary was always a virgin, but this is not the biblical teaching. God's Word declares that Joseph and Mary were not physically involved until Jesus was born. See what the Holy Scripture says:
 “And Joseph, awakening from his dream, did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him, and received his wife, and did not know her until he gave birth to his son, the firstborn; and gave him the name of Jesus ”. (Matthew 1:24,25)

Another biblical text mentions the names of the brothers of Jesus: “Isn't this the carpenter, son of Mary and brother of James, and of Joseph, of Judas, and of Simon? And are not your sisters here with us? And they were scandalized in him ”. (Mark 6.3)

Death is an intruder in human experience and is therefore not accepted. Man's greatest desire is to live. To have life he is able to do anything, pay any price, make any sacrifice. "What will I do to inherit eternal life?" Is the desperate cry of the human heart.

"And this is eternal life: that they may know you, only one true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent" (St. John 17: 3).

You see? The secret of eternal life is not only to know a body of doctrines or to accept a particular Church. The secret is the knowledge of a person: the wonderful person that is Jesus Christ. True Christianity is a relationship of two people: the human being and Christ. What matters most in our spiritual experience is not what we believe but who we believe in.