
Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Monday, August 13, 2018

God's direction.

God's direction. GPS Get God’s Direction
Back in the old days when people were lost they had to stop and ask for directions.  Now, with smart phones and GPS we can be lost by ourselves.  With just the touch of a phone screen we can find our way back to the road we need to be on.  If only life were that easy!
Isaiah 48: 17-18: 17 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, who teaches you profitably, who leads you in the way you walk. 18 I wish you would look to my commandments! Then your peace was like a river, and your justice like the waves of the sea.

I often feel lost and unsure.  Am I doing what I am supposed to be doing?  Is this what God wants me to be doing?  And I admit, I’m not the kind of person that likes to stop and ask others for directions.  I don’t want other people to know that I don’t know if the path I’m on is the right one.  My pride can leave me not only feeling lost, but feeling alone.  If only I had the proper directions to keep my life running smoothly!

God our Heavenly Father, loving Counselor, peace-giving Friend, and gentle Shepherd is laden with gifts that will change our lives. However, we must be prayerfully attentive to the direction He has for usand to discern the path He has chosen from the one we have chosen for ourselves. When we follow God's will and live according to His divine plan, our perspective shifts. Our vision expands and we begin to look at life not in terms of what we can do, but what God can do through us. We soon realize that nothing can distract, destroy, discourage, disappoint or defeat us when we follow God's direction.

Asking God is not only a good place to start, it is the only place to start!I have never understood why anyone would come to me before approaching the Creator of the universe. After all, God has a blueprint plan of our lives, written in the palm of His hand. "See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; your walls are continually before Me" (Isaiah 49:16).

My friends, it is possible to lock onto the goal and purpose that God has for your lifeBut it takes fervent prayer and a desire to accept His will, whatever direction that may take,to begin to see His direction. John 6:35 

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
My prayer for you today is that you will become convicted to consistently ask God for His direction in your life. When He shows the path for you to follow, then trust Him and His plan with all your heart. Charge down that path with all you've got. Pursue His will with a passion. You'll quickly find that there's no more fulfilling, peaceful, and thankful place to be in this life than soundly in the center of God's will.