
Sunday, December 4, 2016

If they ask you how your faith is? It's growing up!

Pastor Eduardo Alves was in blessed service full of the presence of the lord at Ministerios Adoracion church:

If they ask you how your faith is? It's growing up!
"2 Thessalonians 1: 3 We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brethren, as he is worthy, because your faith is growing, and the love of each and every one of you abounds with others:" As believers we are called to Grow in faith. This growth is an essential part of the Christian walk. The Bible itself teaches us that "without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11: 6). The apostle Paul speaks to us in his second letter to the Thessalonians and tells us that his growth in "faith" is a reason to give thanks to God (II Thessalonians 1: 3). So as we see, we can understand that faith is an ingredient not only necessary but primordial in the life of the believer who wants to please God in his life.
What is Faith? The writer to the Hebrews most clearly speaks to us about what Faith is. "Faith is the surety of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews 11: 1). Therefore if we meditate on this verse, we can conclude that faith as to what is expected or not seen is:
• Secure Security
• Safe Hope
• Total conviction
• Although in the Bible the Word of Faith is applied to doctrine or teaching from a general point of view as seen in Ephesians 4: 5, it says: "One Lord, one Faith, one baptism." Jude 3, "faith given to the saints". Also in Colossians 1:23 tells us: "If you really stand and stand firm in the faith." In this case we will be emphasizing the Faith that every believer has demonstrated from the beginning and that is necessary for the spiritual life.
Different Types of Faith
* Natural Faith or human This faith is the one that comes from the experiences in our daily life. For example a person who works does so because he trusts that the payday will receive his full pay.
* Emotional faith in the gospel
It is one that causes an initial joy to hear the gospel but does not last. Die when affliction comes and persecution dies. It does not last, it does not remain. Matthew 13:20
* Unfruitful Faith (Death)
It is faith that does not bear fruit because the eagerness of life drowns it, it does not live by the Holy Spirit and although it can remain alive for a longer time, its fruit is not seen. Matthew 13:21
* True faith
Biblical faith is defined in greater terms. While human faith works according to the circumstances that surround us, Biblical faith is security and its work reflects the results that are expected even without seeing previous evidence. Hebrews 11: 1.
The "true faith" is one. The believer does not have many different types of faith, but a faith that acts in different areas of his life.
Ephesians 4: 5 tells us that it is one faith, common to all believers, and although this applies to the truth of the gospel, we can apply it to the faith of every believer. God is a God of unity, he is one God. Deuteronomy 6: 4, however through the study of the Word, we see that it is made manifest eternally in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The believer has a faith, proof of this is Colossians 2: 4-7, the faith that one day served to save, now serves to walk in Christ and to wait for His coming. In Romans 1: 17- "... in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed by faith and for faith." Working in Faith, we grow in Faith- We are called to work in our faith, Growing and strengthening in it, working so that we can grow in it.
Faith does not have to be great for it to work God gives us the 'measure of faith' we need.

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