
Sunday, May 14, 2017

No One Loves You more than God

Pastor Eduardo Alves was in a blessed service honoring all mothers.
No one loves you more than God. Look at the cross, that is your greatest test. No one loves you like God. No one has greater love than giving his life for his friends John 15:13

The human being has an imperative need to be loved and to love. Despite today's technological advancement, high-end computers, smart phones in the palms of the hands, and the world famous Internet network, today's man is not satisfied with any of this and continues on a search At all costs to find a "sincere love", a "soul mate", a "sincere" commitment,
Some of us recognize this thirsty thirst that nests inside our hearts, while others come to hide or deny it irretrievably; But the truth is that man needs a similar at any cost with which he can enjoy, some spiritual communion and a love something "stable and lasting." Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which is the perfect bond. Colossians 3:14

The plan of God from the eternal ages

We have already dealt with other times about the harmony and perfect harmony of the Trinity. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit who from eternity coexist in perfect communion and harmony, and I still do not find human words to describe it.

God is a person and in Him there is a very strong relational component. God desires at all cost a relationship of love, an eternal bond, a dance for eternity with His creatures. And I do not think that something is missing from God to remain God but the reality is that from eternal ages He has a plan

For you. Original sin shattered our relational identity with the Creator.

And we have come to know and believe that God loves us. God is love. He who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. 1 John 4:16

The Message of Love and the Grace of God

It is the thread that runs throughout the Scriptures. It is the same message Jesus conveyed in the parable of the prodigal son, and that is the center of the Bible in John 3:16. It is the love of God who has always been waiting for this moment of your soul and of mine, He wanted us to be like this, to speak to Him in this way and to come surrendered in this way.
 Always humble and kind, patient, tolerant with one another in love. Ephesians 4: 2

God knows everything that you and I have lived, He knows also what we have wept and what we have suffered and It is that God has never left us, for no one loves us like God!

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